Dust explosion hazard assessment
The majority of powders that are used in the processing industries are combustible (also referred to as
flammable, explosible). An explosion will occur if the concentration of the combustible dust that is
suspended in air is sufficient to propagate flame when ignited by a sufficiently energetic ignition source.
A systematic approach to identifying dust cloud explosion safety against their consequences generally
-Identification of locations where combustible dust cloud atmospheres could be present
-Understanding of the explosion characteristics of the dust(s)
-Identification of potential ignition sources that could be present under normal and abnormal
-Proper process and facility design to eliminate and/or minimize the occurrence of dust explosions and
protect people and facilities against their consequences
-Adequate maintenance of facilities to prevent ignition sources and minimize dust release
This presentation will discuss the conditions that are required for dust cloud explosions to occur and
presents a well-tried approach to identify, assess, and eliminate/control dust explosion hazards in