- “Try not to become a man of success rather try to become a man of value.”
Here is an idea that many people don’t seem to like: no matter who, no matter what, every person acts out of selfishness. Of course, this requires a broader definition of selfishness as we typically see it. Call it “conscious selfishness.” Go about your life in conscious selfishness and you will live a life of value, a life of passion. Through conscious selfishness, you will find that it may suit your highest values more if you choose not to argue with your mate, or if you choose to help others in need. It all depends on what your highest values are, and that becomes more clear the more you express your conscious selfishness. It may seem absurd that to become a person of value, you must become consciously selfish, but this only means that you are still hung up on the term “selfish.” Get over that. You are selfish. The more hung up on the term you are, the more selfish you are. You may act and behave un-selfishly, but truthfully, you are only doing so to suit your personal need, perhaps of being viewed as unselfish. In the end, you’re still selfish. Don’t worry about success. It will come if it’s in line with your passion. Consider only how your passion is of service, is of value, whether just to you or to the whole world, and all that you most want will fall into place in perfect time.