The guideline below helps to determine the type of correlation between the variables:
0 < |r| < 0.3 weak correlation
0.3 < |r| < 0.7 moderate correlation
|r| > 0.7 strong correlation (Panackel & Padmini,2013)
The results indicate that the variables gross space in use, dwelling units, and number of workers accord with volume on weekdays and volume on Saturday in a positive linear sense with strong correlation. Meanwhile, dwelling units and number of workers achieve stronger correlations with volume on Sunday than gross space in use. Although dwelling units and number of workers have the same performance,dwelling units accords with the suggestion of ITE that dwelling units are more accurate than number of workers and is used in similar trip generation land uses. Moreover, dwelling unit data is easier to collect than number of workers. For this reason, the number of dwelling units is also the independent variable for the analysis.