1.Man's dependence on the environment and natural resources
Man's livelihood depends on the environment and natural resources
1.1 Man's four requisites are met by the environment and natural resources. There are:
1. Food Man gets food from nature both from plants, animals and water. He gets them for his consumption, growth and restoration.
2. Clothing man uses cotton and silk for making clothes. Man also uses animal skin for clothing.
3.residence man uses wood, rock, soil and other items from nature to build houses.
4.Medicine man uses natural herbs for medicine to treat sick people.
1.2 The environment, such as forest wind, sunshine, water and animals, gives man happiness as they travel/ explore.
1.3 Man uses the environment and natural resources for learning For example, exploring the mangrove forests and animal habitats, studying about soil origins and studying the stars
2. The environment and man's occupations
The environment and natural resources are related to mam's occupations, for example, jobs relating agriculture, industry, commerce, services, tourism and others.
2.1 The agricultural occupations
1)Planting Each type of plant grows according to the environment. For example,
• Farm plants, such as sugar cane, tapioca, corn and beans
• Garden plants, such as durians, rambutans, mangosteens, salacca and rubber
• Field plants such as rice and sticky rice