At Figure 2 one observes that, in a general sense, the classes Primary Forest, Logged Forest, Degraded Forest, Bamboo formations, Secondary Forest, Pasture and Overgrown Pasture present a typical spectral behavior of vegetation, i.e. a low reflectance at bands 1 and 2, corresponding to the visible spectrum (VIS), high reflectance at band 3 (near infrared), and again a low reflectance at bands 4 to 9, corresponding to middle infrared, specially due to presence of water inside the leaves. The classes Overgrown Pasture and Pasture have a slight increase of reflectance in the SWIR, as related to classes Primary Forest, Bamboo and Secondary Forest, due to a lower water content in the leaves. This similar high reflectance in the SWIR occurs at Bare Soil and Straw covered soil.