The performance of 72%OEE was attained i.e. an
increase of 28% in OEE which would represent annual
earnings of Rs. 5 lakhs. To achieve this target, efficient
maintenance was in place, Autonomous maintenance
teams were developed and better communication and team- work was promoted. The company devised an
efficient data recording systems, so that up to date and
accurate information was made available to
management. The following points has given
competitive advantage to the company as, [5]
• OEE parameters were focused with systematic
• Availability, Performance and Quality are the three
focussed parameters
• Availability was improved from 67% to 90%,
Performance was improved from 68% to 85% and
Quality was sustained at 95%.
• To increase the OEE all the three parameters had
to be increased individually.
• 5S was implemented in the cell layout.
• Due to increase in OEE the production rates and
the delivery time was improved.
• Approximately around Rs. 5 lakhs per annum was
saved due to increase of OEE