Ritzhaupt, Barron, and Kealy (2011)
investigated why verbal recall of time-compressed
narration is significantly enhanced when it is
accompanied by a representational adjunct
picture. They explored the potential of the Conjoint Retention Hypothesis (CRH) as an explanation,
which posits that mentally stored visual
information can serve as a secondary retrieval
cue that boosts recall of related verbal material.
Four groups of participants (N = 153) listened to
a compressed audio narration at different rates
of speed accompanied by visuals, 50% of which
were pictorially-related and 50% of which were
pictorially-unrelated. Their results show the type
of information significantly influenced the recall,
but not the recognition performance. While CRH
provides the most feasible explanation for the
increased recall, the generative-recognize view
best explains the differences between recognition
and recall performance.