bsolutely insane?
Well, you don’t even know how lucky you are.
If you’ve found someone brave enough to be him or herself in this world of standardized proportions and fixed ideals, adore that person.
If you’ve found someone strong enough to hold on to his or her childlike sense of wonder, to be completely and utterly free and uninhibited, cherish that person.
If you’ve found someone liberated enough to be a complete and utter weirdo, never let that person go.
You’ll know when you’ve found a weirdo.
He or she will be like no one you’ve ever been with before, a breath of fresh air mixed with an electric pulse that shocks you into another dimension.
Weirdos are magnetic, attracting and pulling you into them while at the same time, pulling you backwards, throwing things at you you’re not always ready for.
They’ll piss you off while at the same time showing you something you can’t live without — their world.
Their world of wonder and awe, the way they see things you didn’t notice before, look at things you never understood and question everything you thought you knew.
They’ll change your whole life without thinking twice about it.
If you’re lucky enough to be with someone crazy enough to let you into his or her weird world, cherish him or her and make sure never to let that person go.
Because relationships with weirdos are always better than with anyone who’s trying to be “normal.”