Dionex Corporation (1998) found the nitrite and nitrate contents
in ham to be 11.6 and 5.4 mg/kg, respectively, whereas salami
contained 108.0 mg/kg nitrite and 98.5 mg/kg nitrate. Using
capillary electrophoresis, the nitrite and nitrate content in salami
detected were 24.3 and 43.6 mg/kg, respectively (Öztekin et al.,
2002). Compared to their findings, the current study showed that
the salami contained no nitrite but much more nitrate at
142.5 mg/kg (Table 2). Although the extraction methods were similar
the temperature used in our study was higher, apart from the
differences that may be attributed to the manufacturing practices.
Stalikas, Konidari, and Nanos (2003) used similar extraction temperature
and reported that nitrate and nitrite contents in salami
were 54 and 84 mg/kg, respectively. Thus differences are more
likely to be due to the manufacturing processes.