This report presents the main findings of an assessment of the performance
of the Portuguese health system carried out by the World
Health Organization Regional Office for Europe in 2008 and 2009 as
part of the Biennial Collaborative Agreement between the Ministry
of Health of Portugal and the Regional Office.
The objectives of this report are to assess the performance of the
Portuguese health system and to provide policy recommendations
to policy-makers to improve overall performance. The assessment
was driven by a set of core policy questions grouped into sections.
These policy questions focus primarily on performance in relation to
the ultimate goals of the health system and its determinants. The
findings of the assessment are based on: a statistical analysis of a
core set of health system performance indicators derived from a
conceptual framework for health system performance assessment;
interviews with health system policy-makers and stakeholders at
national, regional and local levels; a round table discussion with
policy-makers and health system experts; and a selective review of
the literature.
This report includes an executive summary and a short presentation
of key messages. Annexes present a summary of performance dimensions,
policy questions and performance indicators and a summary
of findings and policy recommendations.
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Printed in Portugal
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HEALTH SYSTEMS PLANS – organization and administration – economics