A. A Motivating Example
Swinburne University is going to purchase a new Enterprise
Resource Planning solution in order to improve its
internal process. After investigation, Swinburne decided to
adopt the Galactic ERP solution (a cloud-based solution), to
save upfront hardware investment required and to optimize
infrastructure costs. Galactic is a Web-based solution
developed by SWINSOFT. SWINSOFT hosts its
applications on a cloud platform delivered by
GREENCLOUD delivers IaaS and PaaS.
SWINSOFT uses third party services to accelerate the
development process. Such services are developed by
and deployed on the GC platform including Workflow-
Builder service (customizable workflow management
service) Currency-Now service (retrieves the current
exchange rate of currencies), Batch-MPRD (used in
posting operations based on the map-reduce model). At the
same time, Auckland University has the same interest in
using the Galactic ERP solution, as shown in Figure 1.
Swinburne and Auckland are security certified. Swinburne
needs to maintain a similar security level on Galactic as
applied on their internal IT systems. Auckland assigns high
risk impact to the Galactic asset. Thus each stakeholder has
different security constraints to enforce on the same service.