IL PROGRESS IN DECENTRALIzATION UNDER THE 1997 CONSTITUTION ts, and Since 1992, the principle of decentralization has been put into practice in some as enshrine a variety of policies have been implemented. The principle of through the in the 1997 Constitution, has opened the door for a deepening of democracy empowerment of elected councils at different levels. provincial govermors Since 1992, there has been a political movement to have appointed did not start replaced by elected ones. However, the new era of decentralization in Thailand sections for until the new constitution was promulgated in 1997. It provides at least eight decentralization, as summarized below. power to localities. The state Article 78 clearly states that the state shall decentralize people express their will to should promote self-government at the provincial level where have provincial self-government. self-government bodies Article 283 grants localities the right to formulate their own affect the principle State control and supervision of local authorities should not substantially of self-government. establishing new decentralization systems Article 284 provides significant measures for and intergovernmental relations. First, it clearly states that local authorities shall have autonomous power in policy formulation, administration, finance, and personnel manage- ment. Second, it mandates the legislation of a decentralization act, which articulates a delin- eation of functions and responsibilities and taxes between the state and local authorities, as well as among local authorities themselves. Third, it mandates the establishment of a decen- tralization committee, which will prepare the decentralization plan, review, monitor, and pro- vide policy recommendations to the Cabinet concerning the implementation of the decentralization plan and process. The committee is required to have equal numbers of rep- resentatives from local authorities, central government agencies, and other qualified persons.