The questionnaire will contain a series of statements where the test participants can rate from
strongly disagree to strongly agree on a five point Like scale.
These statements will be used to determine how realistic the user found the short animation clip that they are shown.
The first statement will straight out ask if they found the clip cinematographically realistic.
The statements that come after this will be linked with realism, in an attempt to ascertain the level of realism.
These statements will be based on the other aspects that were researched to be important for the perception of realism in computer generated imagery. These aspects were camera and object movement, texturing,
lighting, shadows and level of detail. The statements will not directly ask about these aspects as that may make the them too technical and specific for people who do not have a background in computer graphics.
As such detail can be assessed by asking if the scene was too confusing, if the car was an
integrated part of the scene, or if the camera movements were too distracting. Asking whether it is easy to guess the outcome of the action in the clip, helps to determine if the participants understand the rules within the animations world, which means that the actions and reactions are realistic within 26 the given environment.