1. I prioritize my work by importance.
2. I am satisfied with the work I do.
3. I cannot properly perform my job due to exhaustion and stress.
4. The work I am doing provides opportunities to further my career and personal
5. I am empowered to execute assigned roles and responsibilities.
6. I sometimes fail to attain certain goals because I am assigned unreasonable tasks
or too much.
7. I am sometimes assigned conflicting tasks.
8. I receive feedback regarding my performance from my manager.
9. My manager helps me resolve challenges I face at work.
10. Advice from my manager improves my performance.
11. I am unable to focus on important tasks due to less important tasks.
12. My manager clearly explains my goals and objectives.
13. I am sufficiently challenged by the work I do.
14. The work I am doing fits my aptitude and expertise.
15. The stresses from my job affect my daily life.
16. I enjoy the work I do.
17. I plan and successfully complete my tasks even without manager's direction or