“Xingcan? If I remember correctly, you ranked as number six on last year’s List of Merit.” Huxuan looked at him with admiration. Xingcan was young but he had already stepped into the realm of king fighters, surely he was a great talent. Everyone who ranked in the top ten on the list had a powerful support backing them. Xingcan was supported by a true disciple in the Sect called Xingyun.
“That’s right.” Xingcan bowed to Huxuan then turned his attention to Bai. He completely disregarded Xuanyuan. A spiritual fighter didn’t even deserve his attention. “Lady Bai, you wouldn’t oppose my purchase, would you? Taibai is a place for buying and selling, after all.
“Of course not.” Bai smiled. She was a senior member of Taibai, she had to be polite to all her potential customers. “However, these two pieces of upper ranked earth instruments are the gifts to my friend. Perhaps master Xingcan can see if there’s anything else that suits you in the tower. The instruments are a good match for my friend, but they might not be the most suitable instruments for you.”
“That’s alright. Let’s see how much brother Xingcan is looking to offer. The one who has the most money will receive the items.” Xuanyuan called out. He didn’t want Bai to step in and fight his battles for him. The money he had was from gambling, he couldn’t care less about spending it. He was determined to buy the two instruments no matter what. Also, the information Bai told him about the Yin and Hai families exceeded the value of a million king coins to him, he didn’t want to owe Bai any more than he already did.
Bai sighed. She knew that Xuanyuan didn’t want to put her in a difficult position with a potential customer.
At this point, Xingcan glared at Xuanyuan, “Who the hell are you. How dare you call me your brother? I’ve never seen you in the Sect. I’ll kill whichever imposter pretends to be a disciple of my Sect.”
He reached for his sword immediately. Xuanyuan was shocked to see such hostility. He took out the token from Fung Lie at once, “This token represents the true disciple, Fung Lie. You should kneel before it, Xingcan!”
Xingcan’s eyes were as wide as dishes. He wasn’t expecting to see a token from a true disciple. But he didn’t kneel, so Xuanyuan smiled coldly, “Lady Bai, Master Huxuan. When I reach the Sect, please testify as a witness that Xingcan didn’t kneel before the token of a true disciple, and in doing so violated the rules of the sect…”