Although, the seductively attractive girl is very ugly, ugly did not accept Wang Qiang.
But carefully thinks that since this indeed has been Chu Feng knows Wang Qiang, Wang Qiang first time such receives the female to like.
Therefore, Chu Feng feels for Wang Qiang happy, whether or not because of the reason of drug efficacy, but most at least this seductively attractive girl, at this moment to Wang Qiang, is really good.
Afterward, Chu Feng then sits cross-legged in hiding formation, builds up this moonlight immortal spirit colored root.
But all are very smooth, although this moonlight immortal spirit colored root, indeed is very wild, but Chu Feng was still relaxed, this moonlight immortal spirit colored root, all world energies building up.
When builds up thoroughly flash, Chu Feng has brought in the Divine Punishment strength unexpectedly.
Although just, the Divine Punishment strength is very intrepid, compared with previous breakthrough time, wants intrepid and fierce many.
However Chu Feng still boiled, because of the Divine Punishment strength, was hidden the influence of formation, therefore the seductively attractive girl and Wang Qiang, have not all noted existence of Divine Punishment.
They note, only then, that was Chu Feng broke through, succeeded from Fourth Rank half Ancestor, promoted Fifth Rank half Ancestor.
„Actually really built up to melt.” The seductively attractive girls are somewhat surprised.
„Brother, great.” But Wang Qiang is wild with joy.
„Brother, many thanks.” Chu Feng stands up, said to Wang Qiang with a smile that afterward looks to the seductively attractive girl, said: „Many thanks.”
„Does not need to thank, because of this, even if remaining also uselessly, nobody can build up radically, but you have actually achieved, it seems like you are not the common Heaven rank bloodline owner.” The seductively attractive girls said that slightly has the meaning of praise unexpectedly.
Chu Feng smiles lightly, regarding this issue, he does not want to talk over thoroughly, because he will not forget that initial he was referred to as the waste, therefore came out by Chu Heavenly Clan expel.
Talent? He has not dared to think.
At least, in the front of seductively attractive girl, he is very weak.
„Is the Wang Qiang disintoxicating.” Chu Feng said.
„Em.” The seductively attractive girls nodded.
Afterward, Chu Feng then cooperates with the seductively attractive girl, utilizes that Formation, with the aid of the moonlight immortal spirit colored strength, comes to be the Wang Qiang disintoxicating.
Just, arranges formation, stimulates to movement formation, all, Chu Feng obeys seductively attractive girl's direction.
Said simple, this for the motion that to proceed to detoxify, Chu Feng is only an auxiliary role.
formation that because, this seductively attractive girl uses unexpectedly, understands Chu Feng is fiercer.
This lets Chu Feng to the seductively attractive girl, even more holds in high esteem, she is not only experienced, the method is also quite fierce.
Thinks, she somewhat, is bringing some, the memory about previous generation, after all she of previous generation, is a super talent.
But all are very smooth, Wang Qiang toxin, succeeds untied.
What made the human feel quite the accident was, when the toxin untied flash, Wang Qiang within the body, has had a strange suction suddenly.
After that strange suction appears, unexpectedly that just the untied toxin, condensed, and has inhaled in the Wang Qiang dantian directly.