Resarch Tittle : Tell the past to the present my Sukprasong family.
In study of the history to domicile of family. Will be able to related to changing of happen both the Politic . Economy , Social and culture in each area. This research to aimed is study 1.) For study background of Yang Yo Pap regian , Muang Sam Sip district , Ubon Ratchathani Provinces to deal with life Thongsuk family that is maternal family. Starting to domicile of Rama 5 to 2015. 2.) For study is the values , belifes , culture through The Thongsuk family. And 3.) For study of historical of economy , socity andculture.
By started to study of history to domicile of my family. Between Rama 5 to 2015 for a period of more than 80 years through The Thongsuk family (maternal family) also study to changing and development occurring The Thanphuyingpahon Soi (Ngamwongwan 54 Soi) in area. Which it had to deal with and result changing with writer of family. until the present. The reson for studing due to becaues I would like to find answer of question how Thongsuk family historical to domicile developed and what made is family changed to domicile. That is writer studying story historical to domicile of my family by from interview of information of relative adult and from books , journals and this research deal with to research.
The results of the study were as follow changing economy , society and culture of family of people in each area. The result and change government policy plan of use community developed. Which makes family and people in community lifestyle changed too. Including factor is real-estate of growth made the changes in domicile of my family both my parent and me. And also can the changes to explan studing both economy , society of people in Yang Yo Pap regian , Muang Sam Sip district , Ubon Ratchathani Provinces and made a difference from the historical study of the settlers and the local esteem even more as well.