I really love Ninja so much because they are very cool. I want to travel to Iga Ninja village in Mie, Japan which has a Ninja lifestyle. I want to go to Iga museum as well because there’re a Ninja house and a mechanism idea about protecting themselves from the enemy; including, antique equipments that they used in the past such as armors and weapons are currently shown in there.
Although the era of Shogun and Samurai are over a long time ago, they are still alive at least 1 or 2 people in the present and I think they might be the last Ninjas of the country. The other people have a wonderful martial and amazing weapon but it doesn’t mean to make them as a Ninja.
Hollywood movies were called “Enter the Ninja” and “American Ninja” they think Ninja is a superman with making Ninja run on water and disappear in the blink of an eye.
“Shinichi Kawakami” the last Japanese master of Ninja said “This is impossible because no matter how hard they train they are also human” I like the idea of Ninja due to their various traps and this is all I want to know and see