How-To Guide on Contacting our RB Skype Team
Step 1: Create / Login to your Skype account.
Step 2: Search for “Royal Brunei Skype”. Among the list of results, select either one of the two below:
Royal Brunei Skype
Royal Brunei Skype
Step 3: Once you have selected either one of the accounts, click on “Voice Call” to speak to our customer service representative. Depending on the nature of the enquiry, we may type in the ‘IM” or the Instant Messaging chat box to verify some details during the call. Note: video call is not available at this time.
Step 4: If we are unable to pick up your call, please type us a message in the “IM” or the Instant Messaging chat box and we will get back to you once we can.
Step 5: If you like our Royal Brunei Skype customer service and would like to continue using it in the future, you can add us as one of your Skype contacts by clicking “Add Contact”.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Skype?
Skype is a freemium voice-over IP service and instant messaging client that is currently developed by the Microsoft Skype Division. Skype may only be used where there is a live internet connection. Please visit for more information.
Why are Royal Brunei Airlines introducing Skype Customer Service?
In our continuing efforts to improve our Customer Service to passengers, we are extending our services to a widely-adopted telephony service known as Skype. Our Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) Customer Skype Service will assist passengers, particularly those located outside of Brunei, to call our Customer Service Centre at their own convenience. Only voice calls and Instant Messaging (IM) will be entertained.
When will RB Skype Customer Service be available?
RB Skype Customer Service is available to all passengers.. Daily operational hours are from Monday – Saturday, 0800hrs until 2200hrs and on Sunday, 0800hrs until 1700hrs. Timings observed are according to GMT+8.
How do I get in touch with the RB Skype Team?
The official Skype accounts for RB Skype Customer Service are:
Profile Name: Royal Brunei Skype
Skype ID: rb_skype_customer_care_line_1
Profile Name: Royal Brunei Skype
Skype ID: rb_skype_customer_care_line_2
How can the RB Skype Team help you?
RB Skype Customer Service will be able to assist you in all matters concerning your current bookings with Royal Brunei Airlines.