(b) the amount of consideration to be paid in one contract depends on the
price or performance of the other contract; or
(c) the goods or services promised in the contracts (or some goods or services
promised in each of the contracts) are a single performance obligation in
accordance with paragraphs 22–30.
Contract modifications
18 A contract modification is a change in the scope or price (or both) of a contract
that is approved by the parties to the contract. In some industries and
jurisdictions, a contract modification may be described as a change order, a
variation or an amendment. A contract modification exists when the parties to
a contract approve a modification that either creates new or changes existing
enforceable rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. A contract
modification could be approved in writing, by oral agreement or implied by
customary business practices. If the parties to the contract have not approved a
contract modification, an entity shall continue to apply this Standard to the
existing contract until the contract modification is approved.
19 A contract modification may exist even though the parties to the contract have a
dispute about the scope or price (or both) of the modification or the parties have
approved a change in the scope of the contract but have not yet determined the
corresponding change in price. In determining whether the rights and
obligations that are created or changed by a modification are enforceable, an
entity shall consider all relevant facts and circumstances including the terms of
the contract and other evidence. If the parties to a contract have approved a
change in the scope of the contract but have not yet determined the
corresponding change in price, an entity shall estimate the change to the
transaction price arising from the modification in accordance with paragraphs
50–54 on estimating variable consideration and paragraphs 56–58 on
constraining estimates of variable consideration.
(b) the amount of consideration to be paid in one contract depends on theprice or performance of the other contract; or(c) the goods or services promised in the contracts (or some goods or servicespromised in each of the contracts) are a single performance obligation inaccordance with paragraphs 22–30.Contract modifications18 A contract modification is a change in the scope or price (or both) of a contractthat is approved by the parties to the contract. In some industries andjurisdictions, a contract modification may be described as a change order, avariation or an amendment. A contract modification exists when the parties toa contract approve a modification that either creates new or changes existingenforceable rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. A contractmodification could be approved in writing, by oral agreement or implied bycustomary business practices. If the parties to the contract have not approved acontract modification, an entity shall continue to apply this Standard to theexisting contract until the contract modification is approved.19 A contract modification may exist even though the parties to the contract have adispute about the scope or price (or both) of the modification or the parties haveapproved a change in the scope of the contract but have not yet determined thecorresponding change in price. In determining whether the rights and obligations that are created or changed by a modification are enforceable, anentity shall consider all relevant facts and circumstances including the terms ofthe contract and other evidence. If the parties to a contract have approved achange in the scope of the contract but have not yet determined thecorresponding change in price, an entity shall estimate the change to thetransaction price arising from the modification in accordance with paragraphs50–54 on estimating variable consideration and paragraphs 56–58 onconstraining estimates of variable consideration.
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