In general, economic fluctuations in emerging economies tend to be more volatile and prone to crisis episodes than those witnessed in OECD countries. If true, as suggested in Blanchard and Summers (1986) of the presence of hysteresis links between the short-run cycle and the long-run trend, then it is central that policies be aimed at preventing L-shaped recoveries. Since the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98, affected economies—including Malaysia—have endured a downward shift in their long run growth trajectory. In contrast to the Asian financial crisis, the 2008-09 world financial crisis provoked a different fiscal policy response, with a large spending stimulus package in Malaysia to counteract the adverse impact on real economic growth. The recovery following the 2008-09 crisis was more V-shaped. With similar patterns having been documented for other countries has led to suggestions that the fiscal multiplier proves to be higher during economic downturns.