1) Financial Program for next year 2017 (Total 11 programs)
1.1) All financial program has been approved by management
1.2) Extend period 1 month / half year / 1 year
2) Promotion announcement
2.1) CPD will arrange the internal meeting for inform and explain to related department
within 27-Dec-2016
2.2) On process of verify all document for announce to dealer through FMD.
3) Promotion in System (NAS / CUBE)
3.1) All Promotion code in status "Save" in system already (NAS / CUBE)
3.2) On process for review all promotion code and approve in system next.
4) Evaluation the promotion
4.1) Gathering feedback and evaluate the result of each promotion
4.2) Consider promotions which will expire end of Jan'17.
4.3) Plan and set timeline for promotion next period.