In the UK (at 1.42 minute)
Although much of it lies underground, there are places
where the sheer scale of our water system emerges in
the sunlight. These are our great lakes and reservoirs,
over 2000 of them, capable of holding over 700 billion
gallons of water. Boreholes suck water from far beneath
the ground, pumps feed from rivers up and down the nation and they are all connected by
almost a dazzlingly vast network of pipes; some under the ground, some overground. Laid
end to end, they would stretch around the world ten times. On an average day, this system
of pipes apparently carries enough water to fill 18 million bathtubs. But amazingly, it
supplies just one half of the vast network of piping that stretches across Britain. The other
half has to deal with what we flush away and what’s in it.