To raise money on Kickstarter, you have to have a specific, creative products in mind- one approved by the website. Many entrepreneurs, like Brill and Squire, include a video to explain what their project is and why people should support it.
There's also a deadline for raising the cash- typically about 30 days.
To entice people to pledge, projects also a list of thank you gifts for various levels of support. Brill and Squire gave supporters packs of seeds, rice they'd harvested , and good karma points.
Scott Nelson of Friendly Folk Farm in Brookfield ,Vermont, is one of them. He wanted to
the growth and development of his farm -to create a kind of how -to video for others interested in organic farming. He raised nearly $9,000 on kickstarter.
To raise money on Kickstarter, you have to have a specific, creative products in mind- one approved by the website. Many entrepreneurs, like Brill and Squire, include a video to explain what their project is and why people should support it. There's also a deadline for raising the cash- typically about 30 days. To entice people to pledge, projects also a list of thank you gifts for various levels of support. Brill and Squire gave supporters packs of seeds, rice they'd harvested , and good karma points. Scott Nelson of Friendly Folk Farm in Brookfield ,Vermont, is one of them. He wanted to documentthe growth and development of his farm -to create a kind of how -to video for others interested in organic farming. He raised nearly $9,000 on kickstarter.
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