On the completion of this project, there are a number of people whom the author feels indebt
for their help. First, I would like to thank to my supervisor Dr. Andrew Grant, Dr Paul
Strachan and Dr. Olimpo Anaya Lara and for their time, advice, and assistance during this
thesis work.
I also wish to thank the Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unit (MEARU),
especially to Tim Sharpe who is the representative of MEARU. I would also like to extend
my thanks to a number of persons from Proven S.L., who patiently assisted me by answering
my questions and providing me a view of the Proven wind turbine.
I would like to thank Professor Juanjo, and Professor Josep Clua “Duc de Montblanc”, they
taught me how to study and also Dr. Rafael Pindado .
I would especially like to thank Christopher and Claire Hyland and especially Tricia and
Mikel, whom without their assistance I could not write this report.
I would like to especially thank my friends, Carlos Garcia “el Russo”, Noé Perez “el
Madero”, Rubén Rodriguez “Trato truco”, Paquito espejo, Daniel Visiga, Rubén Pérez
“chiruka”, Lupin, David Vegas “el Vasco” and all my university friends that without their
support I could not finish this degree.
Finally special regards to my mother, who died in October of 1998.