There are 242 million cell phone subscribers in the United States, and nearly 5 billion worldwide(TU, 2011) By June 2012, more than 104 million businesses worldwide had dot-com Internet sites registered(Whois, 2012). Today, 184 million Americans shop online, and 150 million have purchased online. Every day about 67 million Americans go online to research a product or service. In 2012, FedEx moved over 9 million packages daily worldwide(6 million in the United States), mostly overnight, and the United Parcel Service(UPS) moved over 15 million packages daily worldwide. Businesses sought to sense and respond to rapidly changing customer demand, reduce inventories to the lowest possible levels, and achieve higher levels of operational efficiency Supply chains have become more fast-paced, with companies of all sizes depending on just-in-time inventory to reduce their overhead costs and get to market faster.