i am living in ran now i want you have a trip to my country first then igo there you can find me with contact to uploaclkadeh
I am an optimist about life and I always try to look on me bnght side of things, how about you? People have descnbed me as
serious, and I take mat as a compliment I am also a very responsible man. I think mat taking care of myself and those around
me is key. lm not the most outgoing guy. l’ve always been a bit shy. A lot of girls mink its kind of cute. I am quite a confident guy.
I know what rm looking for in life and how to get it I have the spiflt of an adventurer, I love to explore, meet new people. to do
and see new things. I’m a family man, basically: a wife, kids, dinner together. mars what is important to me.