The details concerning the finite element treatment of the lubrication and cavitation subproblem governed by the weak forms (12) and (16) are provided in [20], and only the most important issues are briefly commented below. Firstly, stable schemes have been obtained only for the nodal quadrature of the constraint equation (16). The resulting computational scheme becomes then equivalent to the single-field formulation of Hajjam and Bonenau [23]. However, in some situations, the present two- field formulation appears beneficial, see [20]. Secondly, application of an upwind scheme is necessary in order to adequately treat the advection equation in the cavitated region, and the streamline diffusion method [25] is adopted for that purpose. Finally, the contribution of the relative density ϱ in the Poiseuille term in Eq. (12) is neglected in practical computations. The lubrication sub- problem is then transformed to a linear complementarity problem (LCP), cf. [24]. As thoroughly discussed in [20], this improves the robustness of the computational scheme, while the associated loss in accuracy is negligible.