overloading and surface biofilm formation of media
[17]. Thus, the modified grease trap has to be often
removed grease out at least once a week and cleaned
up every six months. Moreover, the media inside a
modified grease trap should be changed to the new one
every month during operation and maintenance [18]. In
case of grease trap with enzyme acquired longer HRT.
Based on a research study, it was found that adding
enzyme in the grease having 30-1,500 gallons of
volume, it required one week for retention time and
resulted 63% of FOG removal [19]. Moreover, adding
enzyme in the compacted grease trap acquired 5 days
and result was about 64.73 % of FOG removal [20].
Application of microorganism for wastewater
treatment was termed as biological treatment. The
microorganism would convert organic compounds to
and NH3
gases that were the best method to
degrade the organic matters in water sources.
However, the biological treatment needs the suitable
environment, which is linked amount of bacteria cell
and time [21]. There are many species of
microorganisms that those microbes could degrade
organic pollutants consecutively till treated wastewater
and could be reused in some purposes such as reuse in
agriculture. Biological wastewater treatment required
the suitable amount of microbe cells for the most
efficiency for the treatment [6]. While given that the
grease trap was a primary domestic treatment, the
effluent was still contaminated with high organic
loading [15]. Hence, the simple or modified grease trap