Positive ageing includes concepts of healthy ageing, successful ageing, and productive ageing. The active ageing concept is covering and going beyond these concepts,13,20 extending to a focus on security aspects in older adults; it conveys a more inclusive message than just ‘healthy ageing’ and recognizes other factors that affect the ageing process.19 Healthy ageing
has been usually focused on health-orientation as multidimensional and holistic22 whereas successful ageing has included health and functional components,social engagement, including positive spirituality.Productive ageing is usually narrowly defined as the production of goods or services, or productive activities contributed to others and society, whether paid for
or not. Specifically, Walker17 argued that healthy ageing is broad view of health; but successful ageing is somewhat idealistic and typically grounded in U.S. culture, whilst productive ageing lacks emphasizing the life course and well-being.