The PA-PB1-PB2 complex is localized in the nucleus of the infected cell.
During transcription, the PB2 subunit binds the 5,7-methylguanosine cap of
a host pre-mRNA molecule (red), which is subsequently cleaved 10–15 nucleotides
downstream by the PA endonuclease. The resulting short capped RNA
primer is used to initiate polymerization by the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
of the PB1 subunit using 5- and 3-bound vRNA (green) as template,
resulting in capped, polyadenylated, chimericmRNAmolecules (red and blue)
that are exported to the cytoplasm for translation into viral proteins.
The PA-PB1-PB2 complex is localized in the nucleus of the infected cell.During transcription, the PB2 subunit binds the 5,7-methylguanosine cap ofa host pre-mRNA molecule (red), which is subsequently cleaved 10–15 nucleotidesdownstream by the PA endonuclease. The resulting short capped RNAprimer is used to initiate polymerization by the RNA-dependent RNA polymeraseof the PB1 subunit using 5- and 3-bound vRNA (green) as template,resulting in capped, polyadenylated, chimericmRNAmolecules (red and blue)that are exported to the cytoplasm for translation into viral proteins.
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