One final overarching point we wish to share is that increasing interconnectedness through forces such as technological change and globalization may create greater potential for the “trickle-down” fairness processes mentioned to emerge. Their model showed a “fairness chain” whereby how a supervisor was treated by the organization affected how he/she treated employees which affected how they treated customers. In many ways, increased interconnectedness of individuals within and between organizations is creating a “fairness web” where how one individual is treated in one relationship may affect their treatment of others. Evidence of this at the interpersonal justice level can be drawn from research on incivility spirals that show rudeness and mistreatment can escalate. We believe that the reverse can also occur in fairness webs where organizations that treat employees fairly create a force that leads to fair treatment of others in outside contexts , to new norm setting in industries regarding fair treatment, and perhaps even leading to social policy change that creates fairer workplaces for all.