After controlling for nonlinerities, the reconciliation adjustment of the book value from
consolidated to separate financial statements under Italian GAAP is positive and significant at the 10% level, while the reconciliation adjustment of the net income under Italian GAAP is significant at the
5% level. Instead, the book value and net income reconciliation items from Italian GAAP to IFRS in
separate financial statements are not significant, confirming that IFRS do not provide incremental
information relative to domestic GAAP. The product term is negative and statistically significant at
the 1% level for consolidated data, whereas it is negative but not significant for the reconciliation
items from consolidated to separate financial statements under Italian GAAP. The product term of the reconciliation items from Italian GAAP to IFRS in separate financial statements is instead positive and statistically significant, in contrast with findings provided by Table 10, thus suggesting positive
nonlinearities in the relationship between share prices and separate financial statements subsequent to
the adoption of IFRS.
Taken as a whole, the results in Table 10 and Table 11 provide support for the first research
hypothesis, while Table 10 does not support the second research hypothesis and Table 11 fails to
provide support for the third research hypothesis.
After controlling for nonlinerities, the reconciliation adjustment of the book value from
consolidated to separate financial statements under Italian GAAP is positive and significant at the 10% level, while the reconciliation adjustment of the net income under Italian GAAP is significant at the
5% level. Instead, the book value and net income reconciliation items from Italian GAAP to IFRS in
separate financial statements are not significant, confirming that IFRS do not provide incremental
information relative to domestic GAAP. The product term is negative and statistically significant at
the 1% level for consolidated data, whereas it is negative but not significant for the reconciliation
items from consolidated to separate financial statements under Italian GAAP. The product term of the reconciliation items from Italian GAAP to IFRS in separate financial statements is instead positive and statistically significant, in contrast with findings provided by Table 10, thus suggesting positive
nonlinearities in the relationship between share prices and separate financial statements subsequent to
the adoption of IFRS.
Taken as a whole, the results in Table 10 and Table 11 provide support for the first research
hypothesis, while Table 10 does not support the second research hypothesis and Table 11 fails to
provide support for the third research hypothesis.
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