The short story tells us about the king who wants to know the answer to his three question
1.What was the right time for every action?
2.Who were the most important that must need?
3.What was the most important thing to do?
Then, The king announced to everyone in Kingdom that he will give a reward if they can answer his question but the answer is not the right answer for the King. Although he also gave a reward to them. Then,he will go to meet the hermit who was intelligent thinking the hub. He spent all day to asking three question with the hermit but the hermit does not answer anything to him until had a strange man run straight to the king and the hermit. he had a wounded in the stomach when the king saw it then, the king helps him quickly and when strange man recovered he confessed that he came to revenge the king because the king killed his brother but the king save his life. He will servant the king. After that in the next morning, The King go to see the hermit and ask him again about the answer of three question and the hermit said that you already have the answer.