10 principles of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo[edit]
The term Việt Võ Đạo ("the way (Dao) of Viet Vo") was coined by the patriarch of 2nd generation of the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, the Grand Master Le Sang with the objective to add a philosophical dimension to his martial art. This "Viet Vo Dao" consists of ten principles:[5][4]
Vovinam's disciples vow to pursue high proficiency in their martial art in order to serve the people and humanity.
Promise to be faithful to the intentions and teaching of Vovinam and develop the young generation of Vovinam Viêt Võ Dao
Be united in spirit and heart, respect one's elder, be kind to one's peers.
Respect discipline absolutely, maintain the high standard of personal conduct and honour of a martial art disciple.
Have respect for other martial art schools, only use martial art skills for self-defense and protect justice.
Be studious, strengthen the mind, enrich one's thought & behavior.
Live simply, with chastity, loyalty, high principles and ethics.
Build up a spirit of steely determination and vigor, overcome powers of violence.
Make intelligent judgments, carry out struggles with perseverance and act with alertness.
Be self-confident, self-controlled, modest and generous.
(The wording can vary slightly between Vovinam schools)
A "Việt Võ Đạo Federation" was founded November 3, 1973 in order to re-unite some Vietnamese martial arts. Therefore "Việt Võ Đạo", in Europe, is also used as a generic term for certain Vietnamese martial arts and philosophies but in Vietnam is only used to refer to "Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo
10 principles of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo[edit]The term Việt Võ Đạo ("the way (Dao) of Viet Vo") was coined by the patriarch of 2nd generation of the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, the Grand Master Le Sang with the objective to add a philosophical dimension to his martial art. This "Viet Vo Dao" consists of ten principles:[5][4]Vovinam's disciples vow to pursue high proficiency in their martial art in order to serve the people and humanity.Promise to be faithful to the intentions and teaching of Vovinam and develop the young generation of Vovinam Viêt Võ DaoBe united in spirit and heart, respect one's elder, be kind to one's peers.Respect discipline absolutely, maintain the high standard of personal conduct and honour of a martial art disciple.Have respect for other martial art schools, only use martial art skills for self-defense and protect justice.Be studious, strengthen the mind, enrich one's thought & behavior.Live simply, with chastity, loyalty, high principles and ethics.Build up a spirit of steely determination and vigor, overcome powers of violence.Make intelligent judgments, carry out struggles with perseverance and act with alertness.Be self-confident, self-controlled, modest and generous.(The wording can vary slightly between Vovinam schools)A "Việt Võ Đạo Federation" was founded November 3, 1973 in order to re-unite some Vietnamese martial arts. Therefore "Việt Võ Đạo", in Europe, is also used as a generic term for certain Vietnamese martial arts and philosophies but in Vietnam is only used to refer to "Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo
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10 principles of Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo[edit]
The term Việt Võ Đạo ("the way (Dao) of Viet Vo") was coined by the patriarch of 2nd generation of the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, the Grand Master Le Sang with the objective to add a philosophical dimension to his martial art. This "Viet Vo Dao" consists of ten principles:[5][4]
Vovinam's disciples vow to pursue high proficiency in their martial art in order to serve the people and humanity.
Promise to be faithful to the intentions and teaching of Vovinam and develop the young generation of Vovinam Viêt Võ Dao
Be united in spirit and heart, respect one's elder, be kind to one's peers.
Respect discipline absolutely, maintain the high standard of personal conduct and honour of a martial art disciple.
Have respect for other martial art schools, only use martial art skills for self-defense and protect justice.
Be studious, strengthen the mind, enrich one's thought & behavior.
Live simply, with chastity, loyalty, high principles and ethics.
Build up a spirit of steely determination and vigor, overcome powers of violence.
Make intelligent judgments, carry out struggles with perseverance and act with alertness.
Be self-confident, self-controlled, modest and generous.
(The wording can vary slightly between Vovinam schools)
A "Việt Võ Đạo Federation" was founded November 3, 1973 in order to re-unite some Vietnamese martial arts. Therefore "Việt Võ Đạo", in Europe, is also used as a generic term for certain Vietnamese martial arts and philosophies but in Vietnam is only used to refer to "Vovinam Việt Võ Đạo
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