Oxytetracycline is an antibiotic, used to treat bacterial
infections. The positive results seen with the use of oxytetracycline
in our experiments may have been due to the
presence of susceptible bacteria. Oxytetracycline may not
Figure 1. Treatment Chemicals
Credits: Tina Crosby 2004
Preparation of Ornamental Fish for Shipping 3
be as effective under other conditions. However, in general,
a single dose treatment of oxytetracycline is not recommended.
Additionally, overuse or misuse of oxytetracycline
or any other antibiotic may lead to bacterial resistance
making the drug ineffective. Before using any antibiotic,
confirmation of a bacterial infection should be established
and proper regimes should be followed (see IFAS Circular
84 Use of Antibiotics in Ornamental Fish Aquaculture).