4. Conclusion
In this work, the methodology for testing the stability of poppy
seeds using non-isothermal DSC has been developed and applied
to the study of thermal oxidation of commercial poppy sample.
From the non-isothermal DSC records the values of kinetic parameters
and the lengths of induction periods have been obtained using
two non-Arrhenian temperature functions. The obtained results
indicate that the stability of commercial poppy sample at the storage
temperature is approx. 2 months, while at elevated temperature
during processing of poppy products it drops only to a few
minutes. The results obtained by non-isothermal measurements
were successfully verified by isothermal experiments in oxygen
atmosphere. It is necessary to keep in mind that the estimation of
stability corresponds to the experimental conditions in the accelerated
high-temperature tests, where the samples were in the form of
a thin layer so that the diffusion of oxygen played a negligible role.
Thus, the estimations are valid for the samples with no temperature
gradients and no delay in the oxygen supply to the sample.