This project was funded through ARC Linkage Grant (LP
110200244) and industry partner Hydro Tasmania. Turbine design
in collaboration with Pentair Flow Technologies, Tasmania. Special
acknowledgements to Prakash Gautam and Paul Coull for their
contributions to the turbine design.
D turbine outlet diameter [m]
Ds shaft diameter [m]
E specific energy [J/kg]
Fc strain gauge coefficient [e]
G shear modulus [Pa]
H head [m]
N rotational speed [rpm]
P power [W]
Q flow rate [m3/s]
g acceleration due to gravity [m/s2]
n rotational speed [s1]
nq specific speed, dimensional [rpm]
p static pressure [Pa]
z elevation [m]
v flow velocity [m/s]
h efficiency [%]
p mathematical constant [e]
r density [kg/m3]
BEP best efficiency point
PAT pump-as-turbine
h hydraulic
m mechanical
o overall
p pump
r rated
s shaft
t turbine
v volumetric