In our study pointing out how the quality management and knowledge management have been incorporated into each other the
development of the quality culture within the organization and what kind of value has emerged through the analysis on the
relationship between quality management and knowledge management, the performances of the enterprises carrying on business
in Eski ş ehir and implementing the quality management were measured. Questionnaires were conducted to the directors of the
quality management departments so as to measure the relationship between the quality management and knowledge management
by means of 15 hypotheses developed. As a result of the analysis , it was discovered at statistical significance that the enterprises
having the Total Quality Management and ISO 9000 certificates are better in the fields of degree of knowledge obtained from the
customer (C), participation of employees in dissemination of knowledge (K), the quality process (QP), the quality culture (QC)
and the quality performance (QPer) than those not having the mentioned certificates.