Concept 1st: Soil Pollution
Soil is caused by nature that resulting from dissolution of rock in a long period of time. Then, it was mixed with organic matter, water, and air which became a criteria to classify soil into groups. These components will very according to the kings of soil. Compositions in the soil affect the health of human, animals and also environment. However, soil is beginning deteriorate mostly by human. Human activities affect to the quality of soil accordingly.
Soil pollution
Soil pollution is the soil that contain amount of pollutants exceeding the limited concentrations and higher than normal. This may have adverse effect on Human as well as the growth of the plant and animals with direct and indirect pathway.
Soil pollution with slums
A deteriorated soil that have adverse effect on human health, plant and other living things is usually found slums.
Main Causes of Soil Pollution
Industrial Activity Most of the waste-water that comes from these processes will drain through the waste system with various chemicals. Then soil absorbs waste-water and retain in this condition for a long time. This case caused soil pollution.
Waste Disposal Most soil pollutions may cause by waste from chemical degradation which is hardly decomposed. If the wastes are managed without knowledge, these wastes will accumulated in the soil and finally be a cause of soil pollution.
- Agricultural fertilization
- Acid Rain
Effects of Soil Pollution
Effect on Health of Humans
The contamination of soil is a major case that consequences on human health. Plants grown on a polluted soil absorb much of the pollution and then it transfers these on to human bodies over a food chain in pyramidal of life. This pollutant caused illnesses on human. Badly, for long term exposure, the contaminated soil can affect the genetic replication of the body cells and cause congenital illnesses and chronic health problems. These cases cannot be easily cured or treated. Furthermore, the soil pollution can even lead to food starving if the crops cannot plant on that area.
Effect on Growth of Plants
Most plants are unable to adapt themselves when the chemistry of the soil is changed radically in a short period of time. Fungi and bacteria found in the soil which function to bind it together are beginning to decline. This creates an additional problem of soil erosion. The fertility is slowly diminished which making the land unsuitable for agriculture and any local vegetation. The soil pollution causes large tracts of land that become hazardous to health.
- Affect animal, human through the food chain.
- Decreased Soil Fertility
- Toxic Dust
- Changes in Soil Structure
- The acid soil or alkaline
- Extinction of some creatures
- The solutions to solve the problems
The solutions to solve the problems
Short term
1. Flushing contaminants out of the soil using water, chemical solvents.
2. Destroying the contaminants by incineration.
3. Adding a substance that captures a certain contaminants to the soil to encapsulate the contaminants and prevent them from spreading.
4. Cover cropping.
5. Promote natural organisms in the soil to break them down.
6. Reducing the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides. These should be replaced by organic method and organic fertilizer. Organic methodology is a way to replenish the fertility of the soil. The healthier the soil, the healthier the plants would grow.
Long term
1. Digging out the soils for treatment or dispose.
2. Soil can be left in the ground or treated in place.
3. Soil can be left in the ground or container to prevent the contamination or prevent it from spreading. Retaining of soil in a place is usually carried out by placing a large plastic sheet cover over the contaminated soil to prevent direct contact. Keep rain water seeps through the soil and dilutes the contamination.
4. Crops rotation gives various nutrients to the soil and can also improve soil structure and fertility.
5. Improve soil structure to appropriate conditions by adding balance amount of organic matter.
6. Use the correct concept and policy to conserve and preserve soil conditions.
Concept 2nd : Water pollution
Water is one of the most important things on earth. Living things must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth.
Water pollution
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans groundwater and more. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.
Water pollution with slums
The settlement of urban communities in the country. Will develop in the area along the canal by using water, both in the consumer goods, transportation, as well as a source for treatment. In the past. The dirty caused by wastewater has small volume, water resources, can support the wastewater that let down. No spoilage. But when the population is large. The release of waste water into the river. The water then spoilage cannot be used as the original. As is happening in the river several lines in.
People who live in slums often characterized by a lack of basic services such as water and sewerage. Consequently, the urban poor often use inexpensive pit latrines and at the same time may draw domestic water from nearby wells. Overcrowding in slums limits the adequate distance between wells and pit latrines so that micro-organisms migrate from latrines to water sources. Sanitary practices in these overcrowded slums are also poor, leading to contamination of these wells
Main Causes of Water Pollution
The drainage from the residential houses, industrial and agriculture such as farm animals into rivers, streams, without treatment. Or reduce contamination of waste water before. Causing such problems. The dirty drain into the river. Most of the informed source water lost from activities in urban parts of the river basin. The rest of the Chao Phraya River approximately 25 is wastewater from factories. Five from agricultural areas and other activities.
An adequate supply of safe drinking water is universally recognized as a basic human need. Yet millions of people in the developing world do not have ready access to an adequate and safe water supply.
Human excreta and the lack of adequate personal and domestic hygiene have been implicated in the spread of many infectious diseases including cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, polio, cryptosporidiosis, ascariasis, and schistosomiasis. It is estimated that one-third of deaths in developing countries are caused by the consumption of contaminated water and on average as much as one-tenth of each person’s productive time is sacrificed to water-related diseases.
Effects of Water Pollution
•Human health
Water pollution can be passing these on plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. If human eat that, pollutant will into human bodies and causing congenital illnesses and that born diseases. Badly, for long term that can affect the genetic make-up of the body.
•Contaminated Drinking Water
The risks of human health being negatively impacted by polluted drinking water and then it may to become ill from contaminated water.
• Social and Environment
The water pollution’s effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.
• Death of animals
• Agriculture Fishing
The solutions to solve the problems
• Short term
1.Wastewater treatment technology
2.Physical treatment
3.Chemical treatment
4.Biological treatment
• long term
1.To address this problem, treatment of the water at community or household level and intensive behavioral change in sanitary practices are recommended. Efforts should be made to provide regulated tap water to this community and to other slums
2. Conserve Soil is one of the most important ways in which soil conservation directly impacts water pollution is through erosion.
3.Not throw chemicals, oils, paints and medicines down the sink drain, or the toilet. In many cities, your local environment office can help with the disposal of medicines and chemicals. Check with your local authorities if there is a chemical disposal plan for local residents.
4.Try to plant lots of trees and flowers around your home, so that when it rains, chemicals from your home does not easily drain into the water.
Concept 3rd: Air pollution
Air is a precious resource that most of us take for granted. Air supplies us with oxygen, which is essential for our bodies to live. Without it, we would die within minutes.
Air pollution
Air pollution refers to weather conditions with pollutants, additives in large quantities. Until life-threatening, people, animals, plants, as well as the damage to the state houses and property. These pollutants include Nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, dust, lead, hydrocarbon, dust and soot, etc.!
Air pollution with slums
Complex mixtures of gas in slum by combustion contaminate indoor and outdoor environments. Particulate matter in smoke has significant health impacts, particularly for women and children .Indoor air pollution problems may result in adverse health hazard increased medical costs and loss of production. In poor communities with the continuing trend in bio fuel combustion coupled with deteriorating housing condition. These bio fuels are typically burnt in simple stoves with very incomplete combustion. Consequently, women and young children are exposed to high levels of Indoor air pollutions everyday. There is consistent evidence that Indoor air pollution increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and of acute respiratory infections in child hood, the most important cause of death among children fewer than 5 years of age in developing countries like India.Air Pollution can harm human’s and respiratory system and that born diseases al