Qing Shui cannot bear sigh, is thinking before this god common statue has a look, it seems like does not have Martial King Martial King to be even hard to resist this pressure.
„Father, you entrains this, I entrain motionless.”
Qing Shui looks that Luanluan tows a slender silver chain to hand over in the Qing Shui hand, but another of chain unexpectedly in the back of god statue.
Qing Shui speechless looks that this shouted one father's causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman little girl, her why doesn't go to the god under? But draws the silver chain, he knows that he can't pass? Does the feeling entrain the chain to be amusing?.
Qing Shui holds this slender chain, makes an effort slightly, the chain tightens that is actually slightly motionless, Qing Shui feared pulled apart very much the chain.
„Father makes an effort!” Luanluan was urging in the one side.
The Qing Shui increase effort slowly, the Qing Shui discovery chain gradually is firm enough, but that thing is also heavy, when the Qing Shui feeling uses to have 2000 strengths, the opposite transmits the fricative of heavy item and ground.
When was towed to idol front, the Qing Shui discovery is a long box, Qing Shui wonders very much, the box is not big, general length four feet, width half foot, height three inches (2.54 cm)!
„What thing can be so heavy unexpectedly?” Qing Shui wonders slowly draws to own side, does not dare to draw fiercely, feared that the chain broke did not have the means , the small girl made motionless, but oneself nearly body.
Then small is actually so heavy, delimits together the trace in the stone facing, Qing Shui is being now more curious to the box in thing.
Near, is one covers entirely has the middle finger thick dust, looks that dust should have an age, puts down in the hand already has twined one in a big way the chain, looks at the bright silver, the child little finger thick or thin chain unexpectedly can drive 2000 jin (0.5 kg) heavy item, what is most important is the chain is so long can also receive the so big strength, this chain should also be a good thing.
After Qing Shui is clean box above dust cleaning discovered that this box is also all over the body the silver bright color, is that surface is covering entirely the plain pattern, is lending a dignified plain aura.
Qing Shui found the position of cover to make an effort to raise!
The cover of box has lifted, the one who maps in front of Qing Shui is a sword, the silver-white plain sword, length three feet three inches (2.54 cm), Qing Shui does not grip a treasured sword of dust, heavy, is very heavy!
The fining platinum makes strongly, has the decorative design in a utensil of Beidou Seven Stars!
Big Dipper 7 Stars Sword!
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