Economy of the current world, especially
infotainment has clearly been inclined towards
transactions made by the cellular phones. In addition
to these, mobile phones are being used to buy
and sell commodities. As the following definition
reveals, mobile commerce is the buying and selling
of goods and services through wireless handheld
devices such as cellular telephones and personal
digital assistants4. Wikipedia, also termed mobile
commerce (also known as M-Commerce, mCommerce
or U-Commerce, owing to the ubiquitous
nature of its services) as the ability of one to
conduct commerce, using a mobile device e.g. a
mobile phone (cell phone), a PDA, a smartphone
and other emerging mobile equipment such as
dashtop mobile devices5. In this context, Tiwari
& Buse (2007:33) has defined m-commerce as:
“Mobile Commerce is any transaction, involving
the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods
and services, which is initiated and/or completed
by using mobile access to computer-mediated
networks with the help of an electronic device.”
Development in the number of Internet and
telecommunications users since the late 1990s
Economy of the current world, especiallyinfotainment has clearly been inclined towardstransactions made by the cellular phones. In additionto these, mobile phones are being used to buyand sell commodities. As the following definitionreveals, mobile commerce is the buying and sellingof goods and services through wireless handhelddevices such as cellular telephones and personaldigital assistants4. Wikipedia, also termed mobilecommerce (also known as M-Commerce, mCommerceor U-Commerce, owing to the ubiquitousnature of its services) as the ability of one toconduct commerce, using a mobile device e.g. amobile phone (cell phone), a PDA, a smartphoneand other emerging mobile equipment such asdashtop mobile devices5. In this context, Tiwari& Buse (2007:33) has defined m-commerce as:“Mobile Commerce is any transaction, involvingthe transfer of ownership or rights to use goodsand services, which is initiated and/or completedby using mobile access to computer-mediatednetworks with the help of an electronic device.”Development in the number of Internet andtelecommunications users since the late 1990s
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