",tirrpi".utf ""*fer
of containers)'
In this clse'-at integer (or simply by requiring
(ot 1o*") tl'pT""jt TYtt O:-'19t: integer
ment problemr' ro,
amounts (e.g', in *,'"t Jf
mixed_integer) Lp transiiprn"", model can be constructed
fte corresponaing shipmo;t variables to be integers' The main-body :1'h: T^":
;;;;J;"del,"such t"h" oo" in (6'13)' remains the same' If the shipments m
rhe transship-eot p.ouiem with prohibited routes must all be integers, then the
model (6.13) *itt ,"*uii,
now limited to positive intJg;* f" principle' the transshipment
uff.tle slrinment variables X;.':d Xlo ate
models of (6'12) md (6.13) are of LP formuiation and' thus' can be solved by LP algorithms'