The introduction is an opening line to a presentation of a topic which gives an overview about the story that concerns to the topic and is considered the most fundamental and essential component of the presentation Introduction presentation go together because the introduction usually leads right into the presentation phase of the lecture. The may go together but are still considered separate parts because they have different functions. It gives a brief and significant background of the topic to be presented, as well as gives listeners a sense of direction and purpose, and motivates students or audience to listen t draws students' attention on the lesson and It persuades students to believe its purposes. what they will benefit from the lesson. An introduction to any presentation is important since it produces the first impression to the listeners regarding how well the presenter had organized his thoughts and w well the presentation plan organized, written and is presented whether it is a first encounter with the listeners it sets the point for a ong-term impression. It gives the specific focus of the presentation. The business presenter should give attention on getting the introduction right across to the listeners.