Table 2 indicates the results of our series of confirmatory factor analyses.
Model M-o in Table 2 suggests that the proposed 6-factor model fits the data quite well.
This 6-factor model was then compared to four different 5-factor models. Each of these 5-factor models was formed by merging two of the six variables into one factor. These four alternative aggregate 5-factor models were selected based on the inter-correlations among the 1) six variables (Table Collectivist values have a strong correlation with cooperative conflict management (r .59) Cooperative conflict management has strong correlations with joint venture learning (r .64) and performance (r .59). Joint venture learning and performance are also highly correlated (r .56). These four pairs of variables were each combined to form a single factor that was tested against the proposed 6-factor model. This method is commonly adopted to evaluate discriminant validity (Brooke, Russell, & Price, 1988; Mathieu & Farr, 1991)