XRF analysis showed that metal content varies from sample to sample and it
highly depends on measuring spot.
Based on detailed literature review and presented experimental results, several
process option were selected as an appropriate hydrometallurgical process for extraction
of metals from electronic waste was.
Process option 1-The use of selective leachants and recovery of high purity
metals from PCBs
This process option involves four main stages:
1. mechanical pre treatment that includes shredding, magnetic separation,
eddy current separation and classification [11],
2. solder leach with fluoroboric acid and Ti(IV) ion as oxidizing agent
3. recovery of copper that includes leaching with ammonia-ammonium
salt solution, purification by solvent extraction with organic LIX 26 and
electrowinning [17]
4. recovery of high purity precious metals (Au, Ag ang Pd) using aqua
regia [11].
Schematic preview of process option 1 is presented in Figure 3