Chef Michelin ขายยางรถ= showing your careless(สุกเอาเผากิน ) + bad attitude.
I'm not คุณฝรั่งหัวแดง as your snubbing but I'm 100% Thai.
I use English because I don't have Thai keyboard nor Thai version on our computer..
Understand ???
Also แมว is showing his negative.
กลับไปขายยางต่อเถอะ +'re absolutely right.
I'm not food or cook professional but I've long time cooking experiences.
Just got a certificate " The National Occupational Skill Standard For a skill worker in Thai cooking."
I also agree with #1 comment "เราน่าจะจดลิข
สิทธิ ตำหรับอาหารไทยได้แล้ว"
Here in the U.S. the restaurants' name most about Thai but the owners are Laotians .
I'm so proud of them which used to live at the refugees' camps in northeast of Thailand.
They all have worked so hard to live a better life over here.
Think twice....