• Politicians, and associated government agencies at
national and state levels, encompassing in this case the
Commonwealth, New South Wales, and Australian
Capital Territory governments, as well as Queanbeyan
City Council and others at a local level.
• Airlines such as Qantas and Virgin Blue, and their regulator,
Airservices Australia—the organisation responsible
for managing airspace and air traYc; the latter
includes the use of a noise and Xight path monitoring
system at Canberra and other airports.
• Business organisations, including the airport operator—
Canberra International Airport management. In addition,
others such as Canberra Business Council, and land
developers such as The Village Building Company are
also involved.
• A variety of non-government community groups and
residents’ associations, which are represented on the airport’s
noise consultative committee.
• The media, including local newspapers such as The Canberra
Times, and local television and radio. The Canberra
Times, for example, has run a number of front
page stories and editorials on the airport’s plans, and
been an avenue for public participation through “letters
to the editor” and “opinion pieces”.
• Travellers to and from Canberra and the ACT region.