My Dearest,
Thank you for writing to me again i so much i appreciate you reply to me hope you are cool in good health. Now as i write to you i feel so happy reading your mail just now and i cant wait to reply to you immediately my dear,please you are welcome. My dear, you have show me that their is good women still existing in the world i hope you will be very nice and caring as am freely minded in anything that can spoil one image. My heart beat very open for you i pray you open yours for mutual understanding in between us. By his grace i will say you are lightening joy in me gradually please do not stop i like the mood am into now as i write to you now. My dearest, i want you to know that my orientation is straight forwardness i hate lies and cheat do not take me for granted in any way please i do not chose you to get hurt i appreciate you do tell some me things you like and dislikes,i ask for it because it will guild me properly in dealing with you.Darling, personally i don't talk much and don't associate much either i believe in action for it speaks louder than voice i will find you come over soon whatever i say to you is natural no artificial let me stop here for now till i hear from you again. Take good care of your self for me till we see in person ok please keep in touch. Bye for now
Yours Faithfully
Justin Demon