Graphs and Tables
Most technical presentations provide insights and promote discussions; they are not forums for dissecting raw data.Graphs and tables are the best way to summarize large quantities of raw data.Because of its visual nature, graphical information becomes memorable. However,complicated visual data cause undesirable impressions (the presenter cannot interpret his or her own data, is a disorganized person, or is being inconsiderate by talking down to the audience).It is usual for the same data to be used in a journal article, a slide show,and a poster show. However, each presentation type has different requirements.Design the graph for the type of presentation for which it will be used.Graphs prepared for publication (where readers can linger over the data) are not ideal for slides or posters (where viewers get only a glimpse of the image). Figs. 15 and 16 present the same information,but clearly Fig. 16 is better than the other for use in an oral presentation.